The Continually Political Season

I’ve never been much of a button person, so it was something of a sea change when I sought out Harris merch. I’m putting those particular buttons away in a drawer now, but there are some, pictured here, that still might be needed. One is reasonably level-headed. The...

Inspiration/Fantasy in a Political Season

For those paying attention, sometimes fevered attention, to the election this year, it can be hard to look away. It’s a kind of self-reinforcing ailment in which you think that if you are not looking, something bad may occur. Not FOMO, but perhaps Fear of Not Doing...

Discipline in a Political Season

It’s a time for doing what we can, as this election cycle turns into the homestretch, all the competitors lengthening their strides, accelerating for a possible photo finish. The heat on the track is increasing. Most of the things we do as individual citizens, however...

Sustenance in a Political Season

It’s a political season. We must take encouragement where we find it. Every murmured “I like your button”, every half-smile, every thumbs-up is a reminder that national bombast, whatever its volume, is not the only method of communication in the country we love. We...